Garder Contact & Communications
Certains étudiants m'ont demandé s'ils pourraient recevoir des informations régulières sur mes sujets d'expertises -- entrepreneuriat & leadership. J'ai donc créé un group google où vous pouvez vous inscrire et recevoire automatiquement ce genre d'annonce, plus toute actualité me concernant. Mes anciens élèves sont normalement automatiquement inscrits. Vous pouvez vous désinscrire très facilement.
Some former students have wondered whether it would be possible to receive regularly tidbits of information similar to the issues discussed in class. I have therefore created a regular stream of newsbytes that covers a range from human/social issues to entrepreneurship/innovation, with a zest of technology. It overlaps things discussed in both my Entrepreneurship and OB/Leadership courses. My students are normally automatically registered to receive the stream by email (but can unsubscribe at their will).
Sinon vous pouvez me retrouver sur
Twitter: @fcavarrettaFR (ou @fcavarrettaEN for an predominently english feed).
Recherche l'archive des twits/To search the twits archive
As I often refer to those articles, you might want to be able to search them.
Easy enough! Just visit, put "fcavarrettaEN" under 'From these accounts', and put any search criteria: date, word, etc..
Also, here is a map of some of the subjects covered by those twits. So far, this document is rather technical, so you can ignore it: