Intrapreneuriat & Managerial Doctrines

2020-04 L'ADN En temps de crise, il faut anticiper le risque et composer avec l'incertitude 

2019-09 ESSEC Knowledge Votre entreprise a un bon plan pour développer l'intrapreneuriat? Alors réfléchissez-y à deux fois! (FR) - If you think you get Intrapreneurship, think again (EN)

2017-10 L'ADN Les Leaders Emergents (longue interview in extenso; version courte ici)

2015-03 ESSEC Knowledge Surmonter la peur de l'échec, le challenge du manager moderne (vidéo 6 minutes)


2021 On the hard problem of selecting bundles of rules: A conceptual exploration of heuristics emergence processes Management Decision 9(7), 1598-1616 <download>

2012 Who Changes Course? The Role of Domain Knowledge and Novel Framing in Making Technology Changes, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 6/3: 236-256 (with N. Furr and Sam Garg)  <download> 

The Management and Organization Science Puzzle: Questions from a Metaphorical Comparison of Medicine and Management, NSF White Paper 2011, SBE2020 (with N. Furr)  


2023-10: Fabrice Cavarretta, in Le web francais Histoire d'une épopée et de ses pionniers  B. Sophie, G. Pascal and S. Fabien. Paris, Dunod: 360. 

2017-01 Sociétal Entrepreneurs d'opportunité versus entrepreneurs de nécessité

2016 Oui! La France est un paradis pour entrepreneurs, Plon (more details at

2015-09 Business Times Is crowdfunding the new venture capitalism or even better?

2016-10 Les Echos  La Relève Secteur public : de la difficulté de réformer?

2016-02 Cheek Mag "Pourquoi la France est un paradis pour entrepreneur-e-s

2015-09 Business Times Is crowdfunding the new venture capitalism or even better?

2014-11 ESSEC Knowledge Hors Série "Le crowfunding, nouvelle révolution industrielle?"

2013-08 Huffington Post "Une nouvelle entreprise peut-elle souffrir d'un excédent de ressources?"

2008-06 Les Echos "Quels compromis pour composer l'équipe entrepreneuriale"


2022 Entrepreneurship Education at the Crossroads: Challenging Taken-for-Granted Assumptions and Opening New Perspectives Journal of Management Inquiry 31(2)  123-134 doi: 10.1177/10564926211042222 (with Michela Loi et al.) <download> 

AI & Technology 

2024-12-18 Blog PedagoLab@ESSEC Training Humans for Artificial Intelligence Age: On Teaching Pilots to Control the Computer as Well as They Can “Fly the Plane”  

2023-12 EFMD Creating an eProfessor [extensive interview]

2023-10: Fabrice Cavarretta, in Le web francais Histoire d'une épopée et de ses pionniers  B. Sophie, G. Pascal and S. Fabien. Paris, Dunod: 360.

2021-04 L'ADN Pourquoi l’accident mortel d'une Tesla questionne nos peurs profondes

2020-09 ESSEC Knowledge  Tellement de manière de se tromper sur le futur de l'IA, mais elle nous dépassera  (FR) - So many ways to be wrong about the future of AI, but it will outsmart us in the end (EN)

2019-07 L'ADN Ce que nous apprend l'IA sur l'humain

2013-07 Huffington Post "L'impression 3D, pointe émergée d'une révolution industrielle"

2013-07 ESSEC Knowledge "The 3D Revolution"

2001-2003: founder of (see archived press review)

[3] Le marché des systèmes de paiements électroniques. Systèmes et Sécurité 1996 4/4:79


Method and system for enlisting the help of other people via a communications network”. Patent Filed 09/988,435, USPTO, 2001, Washington, DC, jointly with A. de Changy  


[25] Extracting Unique Discussions of Interests for Entrepreneurs and Managers in a Set of Business Tweets without Any Human Bias. IEEE Access, 2023 (with Mansouri, J., Swaileh, W., & Kotzinos, D.)  <download and cite>  

2012 Who Changes Course? The Role of Domain Knowledge and Novel Framing in Making Technology Changes, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 6/3: 236-256 (with N. Furr and Sam Garg)  <download>

1996 Le marché des systèmes de paiements. Systèmes et Sécurité  4(4) 79 (with J. de Silva) [english version: Payment Mechanisms for the Internet Commerce] 

1988 An expert system simulation of Spinoza’s Ethics, EDF Research Center, Polytechnique, B.A. final thesis.  


2024-03  PsychologyToday Rethinking Leadership: Are You Willing to Be a Servant Leader?  & ESSEC Knowledge  Rethinking leadership: are you willing to be a servant leader ? / Repenser le leadership: êtes vous prêt à être un leader serviteur?  [revisit of the L'ADN paper]

2023-10 L'ADN  Leadership: et si on misait sur moins de vision de plus d'attention aux autres (version web), ou Le leader hospitalier (version papier).

2022-01 ESSEC Knowledge  Just make an effort or plan for "a good trip" ? (EN) Effort, motivation: et si tout ne revenait qu'à s'organiser "un bon trip" ? (FR) [simplified version of Org. Dyn. article; variants available in AMBA and COBS

2020-04 L'ADN En temps de crise, il faut anticiper le risque et composer avec l'incertitude 

2017-10 L'ADN Les Leaders Emergents  (longue interview in extenso; version courte ici)

2016-10 Les Echos  La Relève Secteur public : de la difficulté de réformer?

2013-09 ESSEC Knowledge "Jobs': Ashton Kutcher as the visionary entrepreneur" [takeways from "Jobs" movie]


[26] Weary of the Harsh Realities of People Management? Leadership Development as Cultivating a Taste for Muddy Situations. Organizational Dynamics. (2024). <download> 

2020 Effort is Dead, Long Live Effort:  Performance as ‘Planning for a Good Trip’. Organizational Dynamics, 49(4) Doi: 10.1016/j.orgdyn.2019.07.001  <download> 

2015 Debunking the false dichotomy of leadership idealism and pragmatism: Critical evaluation and support of newer genre leadership theories. Journal of Organizational Behavior 35/5: 598-621.   doi: 10.1002/job.1931 (with Hannah, S. T., J. J. Sumanth, and P. Lester) <download>

2009 A framework forexamining leadership in extreme contexts. The Leadership Quarterly 20(6)897-919 (with Hannah, S.T., M. Uhl-Bien,B.J. Avolio) <download>

Ecosystems: Social & Ecology

2024 Prière de rendre votre écosystème moins absurde que vous l’avez trouvé  Cavarretta & Lenoir (Payot) 

2022 L'entreprise et l'Etranger, longue histoire d'enrichissement réciproque, Chpt in Etranger (G. Arestaeanu) Alopex

2017-05 Pour une écologie entrepreneuriale! (vidéo sur les écosystèmes)

2017-04 ESSEC Knowledge Pour une écologie entrepreneuriale / in Council of Business and Society Chpt: For an Entrepreneurial Ecology

2016 Oui! La France est un paradis pour entrepreneurs, Plon (more details at


2025 Wishing for shift:  A paradigm perspective on ecological transition In H. Bouthinon-Dumas, A. Chatterjee & B. Leca (Eds.), Navigating the Ecological Transition

2021 On the hard problem of selecting bundles of rules: A conceptual exploration of heuristics emergence processes Management Decision 9(7), 1598-1616 <download>


2024-12-18 Blog PedagoLab@ESSEC Training Humans for Artificial Intelligence Age: On Teaching Pilots to Control the Computer as Well as They Can “Fly the Plane”  

2023-12 EFMD Creating an eProfessor [extensive interview]


[26] Weary of the Harsh Realities of People Management? Leadership Development as Cultivating a Taste for Muddy Situations. Organizational Dynamics. (2024). <download> 

[20] Entrepreneurship Education at the Crossroads: Challenging Taken-for-Granted Assumptions and Opening New Perspectives Journal of Management Inquiry 2022 31(2)  123-134 doi: 10.1177/10564926211042222 (with Michela Loi et al.) <download> <to cite>  

[21] On the hard problem of selecting bundles of rules: A conceptual exploration of heuristics emergence processes Management Decision 2021 9(7), 1598-1616 <download

[19] Effort is Dead, Long Live Effort:  Performance as ‘Planning for a Good Trip’. Organizational Dynamics, 2020 49(4) Doi: 10.1016/j.orgdyn.2019.07.001  <download> 


2021-04 L'ADN Pourquoi l’accident mortel d'une Tesla questionne nos peurs profondes 

2019-07 L'ADN Ce que nous apprend l'IA sur l'humain [discussion sur les biais]


2016 Task Complexity and Shared Value Orientation: Exploring the Moderators of a Social Dilemma in Team Social Networks, Industrial and Corporate Change 25(5):739-56. doi: 10.1093/icc/dtv046 (w/ Godart, Frédéric C. and Matthias Thiemann.)  <download>

1988 An expert system simulation of Spinoza’s Ethics, EDF Research Center, Polytechnique, B.A. final thesis.