Leadership Posture Papers
[See also the page with all my articles, classified by theme, or press coverage , or comprehensive list of all research articles]
Je promeux d'aborder le leadership comme une ingéniérie sociale, à savoir impliquant non seulement une technicité large mais aussi une réel engagement émotionel et intellectuel, au service des humains dont on accepte la responsabilité. I advocate to approach leadership as social engineering, which means it involves not only a broad technicality but also a real emotional and intellectual commitment, in service of the people the leaders accepts the responsibility.
Pour plus d'information, vous pouvez lire un papier grand public relativement court dans l'ADN, ou pour plus de détails, le papier théorique (raisonnablement scientifique et en anglais) dans Organizational Dynamics / For more information, you can read a relatively short mainstream article in ESSEC Knowledge , or for more details, the theoretical paper (reasonably scientific and in English) in Organizational Dynamics:
2023-10 L'ADN Leadership: et si on misait sur moins de vision de plus d'attention aux autres (version web), ou Le leader hospitalier (version papier)
2024 PsychologyToday Rethinking Leadership: Are You Willing to Be a Servant Leader? & ESSEC Knowledge Rethinking leadership: are you willing to be a servant leader ? / Repenser le leadership: êtes vous prêt à être un leader serviteur? [revisit of the L'ADN paper]
2024 : Weary of the Harsh Realities of People Management? Leadership Development as Cultivating a Taste for Muddy Situations. Organizational Dynamics. <download>